Update Records 更新记录

Records of upgrade and optimization for 0065.info. 新新网系统升级、优化记录

Site Affairs
20. Dec 2023
Update Records 更新记录

Dear 0065.info community members,

We are pleased to inform you that our website has recently undergone a comprehensive upgrade, encompassing improvements to the underlying architecture, code, front-end interface, and various functionalities.

Here are the main highlights of this upgrade:


Updates on December 25, 2023

  • 充值付费功能:已可使用。
  • Recharge and payment function: available.


  • 地点坐标已更新。
  • Location coordinates have been updated.




Updates on December 20, 2023

  • 多语言支持:为了满足多元化的语言环境,我们现已提供英文和中文版本,您可以根据个人需求自由切换。未来,我们将持续倾听您的需求,逐步增加更多语言选项。
  • Multi-language support: To cater to diverse linguistic environments, we now offer English and Chinese versions, which you can switch between based on your personal preferences. In the future, we will continue to listen to your needs and gradually add more language options.

  • 充值付费功能改进:我们已完善了部分充值付费功能,让您能够轻松置顶、推荐或更新信息,最低只需S$0.5元。由于在线支付接口问题,目前请您联系我们的管理员进行扫码支付并由我们代为充值。同时,我们还推出了新注册奖励、邀请注册奖励以及满额赠送等丰富活动。

  • Enhanced recharge and payment functions: We have improved certain recharge and payment functions, allowing you to easily top posts, recommend content, or update information for as low as S$0.5. Due to issues with online payment interfaces, please contact our administrators for QR code payments, and we will assist with the recharge process. Additionally, we are currently running reward activities such as new user registration bonuses, referral bonuses, and full-amount giveaways.

  • 自媒体功能权限:现在,您可以通过向管理员申请获得自媒体功能权限。获批后,您可以在新新网上发布自己的文章。请注意,若长时间未发布文章,该权限可能会被收回。

  • Self-media function permissions: You can now apply to the administrators for self-media function permissions. Once approved, you will be able to publish self-media articles on Xin Xin Net. Please note that if you do not publish articles for an extended period, this permission may be revoked.

  • 在线对话功能:我们新增了在线对话功能,以便于用户之间的即时交流与互动。

  • Online chat function: We have added an online chat function to facilitate instant communication and interaction among users.

  • 手机端优化:为了让手机用户拥有更好的浏览体验,我们采用了当下流行的APP风格设计手机端界面。

  • Mobile interface optimization: To provide a better browsing experience for mobile users, we have adopted a popular app-style design for our mobile interface.

  • 图片上传功能恢复:现在您可以重新上传图片了。为了保证服务器资源的有效利用,当前图片限制为1张,且大小不超过2048KB(2M)。

  • Restored image upload function: You can now resume uploading images. To ensure efficient use of server resources, the current limit is one image per upload, with a maximum size of 2048KB (2M).

  • 信息订阅功能添加:我们新增了信息订阅功能,让您能够及时获取感兴趣的内容更新。

  • Added information subscription function: We have introduced an information subscription function, enabling you to stay up-to-date with relevant content updates.


Screenshot of the old version as a souvenir.

We appreciate your continued support and trust in 0065.info, and we hope these improvements enhance your overall user experience. Should you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us at any time.


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